Travel Trends Post COVID-19


Here are some travel trends to look out for post pandemic

An Increase in Voluntourism: Since the pandemic first began, traveling has been on the decline. As more and more destinations are opening for travel, travelers have become more intentional with their upcoming vacations. Rather than visiting somewhere to check it off their list, travelers have expressed their desire for more meaningful trips. After being in quarantine for the past year, tourists have shown more interest than ever in exploring and helping out in local communities. In fact, according to a recent Travelocity survey, one in four travelers said that they planned to volunteer on a trip this year. 

Human-oriented Tourism: After a year of isolation, upcoming tourism is expected to focus more on people rather than destinations. In the upcoming months as the world continues to open back up, one should expect to see more group travel than ever, more travel to visit family and friends, and travel to embrace new people and cultures. We expect to see an increase of human-oriented activities on these trips. Whether it be taking tours of cities with local guides, interacting with different cultures through dance, song, etc., or just about anything in between, it is clear that people are eager to get away from measures like social distancing. 

Boutique Booking: While travel trends include human-oriented tourism, travelers will likely choose to book boutique rather than in large hotels or resorts. This has to do with the health and safety of travelers, as well as the desire for more intimate spaces that offer a personalized touch of the local community.

Finding Truth


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Here are some travel trends to look out for post pandemic

An Increase in Voluntourism: Since the pandemic first began, traveling has been on the decline. As more and more destinations are opening for travel, travelers have become more intentional with their upcoming vacations. Rather than visiting somewhere to check it off their list, travelers have expressed their desire for more meaningful trips. After being in quarantine for the past year, tourists have shown more interest than ever in exploring and helping out in local communities. In fact, according to a recent Travelocity survey, one in four travelers said that they planned to volunteer on a trip this year. 

Human-oriented Tourism: After a year of isolation, upcoming tourism is expected to focus more on people rather than destinations. In the upcoming months as the world continues to open back up, one should expect to see more group travel than ever, more travel to visit family and friends, and travel to embrace new people and cultures. We expect to see an increase of human-oriented activities on these trips. Whether it be taking tours of cities with local guides, interacting with different cultures through dance, song, etc., or just about anything in between, it is clear that people are eager to get away from measures like social distancing. 

Boutique Booking: While travel trends include human-oriented tourism, travelers will likely choose to book boutique rather than in large hotels or resorts. This has to do with the health and safety of travelers, as well as the desire for more intimate spaces that offer a personalized touch of the local community.

Finding Truth


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